Sunday, February 27, 2011

Could E-marketing really influence the way a person shops?

Do you want to find out information about the new iPhone 4 from Apple? Did a friend tell you your favorite artist is coming to town and you don’t have tickets? Do you want to get a great deal when you purchase a new car? These are some of the questions that a person may ask themself at some point during the day. The question is, what’s the easiest way you could search for the answers to these questions? If you’re having trouble coming up with the answer, I’ll give you a hint. You can find it online! Your answer is just one click away and there you go, instant gratification.

The Internet has come a long way, especially when it comes to helping fulfill a persons needs or wants. Since businesses are finding clever ways to get their messages across through their website, it’s very rare for a person to say that they weren’t successful in finding what they were looking for. I think e-marketing does have a major influence in the way a person shops because of the exclusive perks, like promotions and specials that are offered to their customers who just visit the businesses website among other things. One case would be a person who wants to buy something but they don’t know who has the item in stock, so the cheapest way to find out who’s carrying the item is to go on Google or Yahoo and make a search to later buy the item. I believe one of the key roles of e-marketing is persuasion. If a person finds a product at the physical store but the item isn’t customized the way they want it, the store will persuade the individual to go online to the stores website to find different versions of that same product. No matter what the case is, you’ll find yourself depending on going on the web to be satisfied. I’m the type of person who doesn’t really trust purchasing merchandise online due to privacy issues but if I could get what I want for a better deal online then what I would find at the physical store, it would instantly convince me to make the purchase. I agree that no matter what the circumstance, a person will be inspired one way or another to use the internet to either find information on the items they want to buy or to actually make their purchase.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Social network: The easier way to communicate with others.

Since technology is advancing with time, that brings new online features that the world will get accustomed to by testing them out as they come. Lately, every part of a person’s life seems like it’s getting more and more hectic by the minute. That being said, whether you have to attend a meeting for work, join an online discussion for your class, or you just want to speak to a friend, there are different situations that might not allow you to meet face to face with the individual. For example, you might live in a different geographic location and let’s be honest gas prices and airfare are costly, or you just don’t have the time to actually schedule a place to meet. The most convenient way to be able to communicate with a person is through social network. Social networking is popular because not only is it more convenient for both parties but you could communicate from any location that has internet access. Some examples of popular social network websites are Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. The only disadvantage of this type of communication is that not everyone is computer literate. Those individuals communicate the old fashioned way.

In the business world communication is the key to success. If you don’t find a way to grow a good bond with your customers and make them feel like they’re valued, then you won’t gain the reputation through word of mouth that spreads quickly from one source to another. To gain this bond you need to find a way to interact with them, and a good way to do that is to create a discussion forum on your businesses website where you can communicate with the future buyers of your merchandise. This will give you the personal feedback that you need to keep your business running. Who else would you count on to tell you if you’re doing something right or wrong with your store? Not only does this help you, but it makes others that are giving you their thoughts and opinions feel like they’re important and have a say in what they purchase. Another useful communication tool is a chatroom where discussions could go on at any time during the day.

In my opinion social networks is one of the best inventions ever made because communication is important and you’re limited to who you could talk to without the computer. The best part about social networking is the fact that you’re able to interact with a lot of people from anywhere around the world. The obvious downside is that you’re exposing your information for others to see and in reality you don’t really know who’s looking at your information. It could lead to good or bad things. I agree that you could have a lot of followers on your network but if you don’t take the time to stay connected with them, it’s pretty much as if they weren’t even there. It’s easy to say that you have an endless amout of friends or followers on your webpage, but do you personally communicate with all of those people? In reality you only know a few of them and just have the others added to increase your number of friends. In the end, I believe that social networking websites are getting more successful because people want attention towards themselves and have a lot on their minds that they’d like to share with others who might understand them. It’s all about getting your ideas out there as well. You could catch the attention of busy people who you would dream of meeting with in person but would never get the opportunity to. It doesn’t get better than that. Do you agree?


Friday, February 11, 2011

Starbucks and Technology of the Future

Life can get pretty hectic sometimes and with that comes the natural way of forgetting things. Do you want to stay awake? The solution is going to get a delicious drink at Starbucks. Did you leave your Starbucks gift card at home? There’s no need to panic. Since we are living in the 21st century, you know that technology is getting even more advanced.

Did you ever think that having a cell phone would be more useful for other actions besides calling or texting someone, going on the internet to check your mail, etc.? Well the latest addition to Starbucks service is a Starbucks mobile app that you can download to your iPhone or smartphone that can store your Starbucks gift cards, credit card, or PayPal information. All you’ll need to make your purchase is the barcode that will appear on the screen that will be scanned at the register and you’re good to go.

This sounds pretty great to a person who would like to leave their house with only their cell phones but in reality I don’t think this mobile app idea is a good one in the sense that complications can come along with the transactions. Some glitches can go wrong with this mobile app transaction. Nowadays devices are made, but no one device is made to perfection. During your transaction certain things could occur, for instance; your phone could completely freeze or randomly shut off on you without notice which can prolong your purchase. Something else that could go wrong is the transaction not going through. If you fully depend on your cell phone to make your purchase and leave your wallet at home, you’d be in trouble. Situations like this makes you think whether this mobile app will actually be successful. Only time will tell. One thing I do know is that I will continue to pay for consumer items the traditional way with bills, credit cards and gift cards!! But that’s just me. What do you think?
